Top Outsourced Customer Experience (CX) Companies in the Philippines and What they can Do for your Business

In today’s business landscape, it is no longer enough for companies to simply offer a quality product or service. With competition at an all-time high, businesses must also focus on delivering an exceptional customer experience to stand out from the crowd. In fact, studies show that customers are willing to pay more for a great experience, and are more likely to become loyal advocates for a company that prioritizes their needs. According to a survey by Zendesk, businesses that prioritize customer experience are more likely to see increased customer satisfaction rates. In fact, businesses that provide excellent customer service have a 97% customer retention rate, compared to 86% for those with poor customer service. That’s where the top outsourced customer experience (CX) companies in the Philippines can help.

The Philippines, with its thriving business ecosystem and a highly skilled workforce, has emerged as a hub for top-notch customer experience services. From leading BPO companies to startups, businesses in the Philippines are investing heavily in building customer-centric strategies, which have been proven to drive growth and customer loyalty. Outsourced CX companies in the Philippines have been shown to provide excellent customer service, resulting in increased customer satisfaction. According to a survey conducted by Contact Center Association of the Philippines (CCAP), 83% of customers who interacted with a call center in the Philippines rated their experience as “very satisfactory”. This is higher than the satisfaction ratings for other countries such as the US, where the satisfaction rate is around 73%.

In this article, we will explore why investing in customer experience with Philippines’ top CX companies is key to your business success. We will dive into the benefits of working with the top outsourced customer experience (CX) companies in the Philippines, the expertise of the country’s workforce, and the innovative approaches companies are taking to stay ahead of the game. Get ready to take your business from good to great by investing in customer experience with the Philippines’ top CX outsourcing companies.

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Why Investing in a Top Outsourced Customer Experience (CX) Company in the Philippines is Key to Your Business Success

Outsourced Customer Experience (CX) Outsourcing Service Providers in the Philippines
Customer experience (CX) refers to the overall experience a customer has with a company before, during, and after a purchase. CX encompasses everything from the ease of navigating a website, to the quality of customer service, to the speed of delivery. The impact of customer experience on business success cannot be overstated. According to a study by PwC, 73% of consumers point to customer experience as an important factor in their purchasing decisions, and 42% of consumers would stop doing business with a company after just one bad experience. On the other hand, companies with great customer experience see higher revenue growth, increased customer loyalty, and a stronger brand reputation.

Customer Experience (CX) Outsourcing Service Providers in the Philippines

If you are considering outsourcing your customer experience services to the Philippines, there are many BPO companies that specialize in this area. Some of the top companies include:
1. Sourcefit
2. Teleperformance
3. Sykes
4. Telus
5. Concentrix
6. Accenture
7. Alorica

Outsourced CX Companies in the Philippines: Beginnings of the Industry

The history of customer experience companies in the Philippines can be traced back to the early 2000s when the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry started to take off. BPO refers to the practice of contracting a specific business function to a third-party service provider, often in another country, in order to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
The Philippines, with its large pool of English-speaking and highly educated workforce, emerged as a popular destination for BPO companies. The BPO industry initially focused on providing customer service and technical support for companies in the United States and Europe.
As the industry grew, companies in the Philippines began to specialize in customer experience management (CEM), which involves creating a positive and consistent experience for customers across all touchpoints. CEM includes customer service, sales, marketing, and other areas that impact the customer journey.
Today, the Philippines is one of the leading destinations for customer experience outsourcing, with a large number of companies providing a wide range of services, including customer support, telemarketing, lead generation, and back-office support. These companies work with clients from a variety of industries, including telecommunications, finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

Customer Experience (CX) Statistics in the Philippines

The Philippines has become a hotspot for customer experience services, with a growing number of businesses outsourcing these functions to the country. According to the Contact Center Association of the Philippines, the country’s BPO industry grew by 5.8% in 2020, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. The industry currently employs over 1.3 million people, making the Philippines the largest provider of voice-related services in the world. In addition, a survey by the Department of Trade and Industry found that 70% of businesses in the Philippines prioritize customer experience as a key differentiator, and plan to invest more in CX in the coming years.

Characteristics of Companies with Great Customer Experience

What sets companies with great customer experience apart from the rest? Firstly, these companies have a strong culture of customer centricity. They prioritize the needs and wants of their customers above all else, and make sure that every touchpoint in the customer journey is optimized for a seamless experience. Secondly, companies with great CX are data-driven. They collect and analyze customer feedback, and use this information to make informed decisions about how to improve their services. Finally, these companies are agile and adaptable. They are constantly innovating and testing new approaches to stay ahead of the game.

Top Outsourced Customer Experience (CX) Companies in the Philippines and What they can Do for your Business: Why Investing in a Top Outsourced Customer Experience (CX) Company in the Philippines is Key to Your Business Success

The Top Outsourced Customer Experience (CX) Companies in the Philippines: Growth in 2021 and Beyond

Global businesses continue to benefit from outsourcing CX operations to the Philippines in 2021, with cost savings, a highly skilled workforce, improved customer satisfaction, adoption of digital technologies, and strong English language skills as the key advantages

1. Cost Savings: The cost savings from outsourcing CX operations to the Philippines continue to be a significant benefit for global businesses in 2021. According to a recent report by Tholons, the average hourly rate for a customer service representative in the Philippines ranges from $3 to $6, which is still significantly lower than in other countries.
2. Skilled Workforce: The Philippine workforce remains highly skilled, educated, and adaptable to new technologies and business models. As of 2020, there were over 1.3 million full-time employees working in the outsourcing industry, providing a wide range of CX services, including customer support, technical support, and back-office operations.
3. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Outsourced CX companies in the Philippines continue to deliver high-quality customer service, which has resulted in improved customer satisfaction rates for global businesses. According to the CCAP, the overall customer satisfaction rating for outsourced CX operations in the Philippines was 89% in 2020, up from 83% in 2019.
4. Adoption of Digital Technologies: Outsourced CX companies in the Philippines are adopting digital technologies such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and artificial intelligence to enhance customer experience and improve operational efficiency. As of 2020, 90% of outsourcing companies in the Philippines have invested in digital technologies, which have led to increased automation and reduced operational costs.
5. Strong English Language Skills: The Philippines’ reputation as an English-speaking country remains a significant benefit for global businesses outsourcing CX operations. In 2020, the Philippines ranked 14th globally in the EF English Proficiency Index, maintaining its position as the country with the highest English proficiency level in Asia.

To learn more about outsourcing, you can read our Top 8 Qualities of an Outsourcing Company in the Philippines article. We invite you to follow us on social media and to visit our website to learn more about our services.


About Us: Sourcefit is a widely recognized US-managed business process outsourcing company based in Manila, Philippines. We proudly serve over 100 clients with a workforce of more than 1,300 employees. Our global centers can serve multiple markets, and our staff is highly proficient in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Whether you need a few or many employees, we can help you achieve your business goals and build high-quality offshore teams.


Not sure where to start? Connect with us and see how Sourcefit can help you grow your business.