
Since 2006 Sourcefit has been providing reliable, cost-effective outsourced content moderation services to some of the world’s most well-known brands. Our domain expertise and operational efficiency allow our clients to maximize resources, deliver better services to their customers and protect their brands.

We have skilled content moderators experienced in:

  • Website Moderation
  • User-Generated Content Moderation
  • Image and Video Moderation
  • Forum Moderation
  • Community Moderation and Management
  • Profanity Filtering
  • Profile Moderation
  • Social Media Moderation


Social networking and user-generated content have changed the rules of business. Virtually every type of company, from media to manufacturing, now makes use of social media to engage their customers on a daily basis. But the raw, real-time nature of social media, as well as a constantly evolving legal landscape, has made moderation a pressing concern for companies looking to protect their brands. This, in turn, has added cost pressures for companies already looking to make the most of limited resources.

At Sourcefit, we are dedicated to empowering companies to maximize their resources beyond expectations by offering complete, customized offshore staffing and outsourcing solutions as well as rich domain expertise in the area of content moderation.  Since 2006, we have been involved in virtually every aspect of content moderation, from application development to staff-leasing of moderation teams.  We are confident that we have found the right formula for cutting costs and delivering top products and services, whether you need a complete moderation platform or simply highly-skilled, extremely motivated moderators able to work for a small fraction of home-market costs.

Some of the benefits of our offshore solutions include:

Cost Savings – Less than half of domestic market cost

Knowledge and Domain Expertise – Guarantee quality and best practices

Risk and Quality Control – Output-based deals possible

Capacity Management – Raise capacity, lower overhead

Easier Staffing – Overcome domestic labor shortages

Time Zone Coverage – Cover 24/7 at a lower cost

Time Savings – Quickly build your own cost-effective offshore team

All-inclusive monthly costs for a full-time community moderator begin at $800 dollars per moderator depending on the specifications and level of experience required.

Features & Benefits

Moderation protects your community from:

  1. Unlawful, explicit, and offensive content. Without moderation, your community will quickly fill with this type of content. The ever-changing legal landscape, as evidenced by the recent conviction of Google executives in Italy, makes it a necessity for companies to do their utmost to protect themselves.
  2. Predators who may be looking to victimize other community members, especially minors. Not only does moderation fulfill your social responsibility as a community operator, but it protects your brand from being tarnished by the actions of your community members.
  3. Pirated content. Due diligence must be exercised to prevent wrongful use of copyrighted material.
  4. Conflict among community members. Moderators are able to nip conflicts in the bud and guide users toward positive interaction.

Moderation also promotes the following:

  1. Clear communication of your brand message to the community.
  2. A more entertaining and compelling experience by keeping content focused on the interests of your community.
  3. Feedback from the community that provides valuable customer data.
  4. Loyalty among members because they feel they are being heard.
  5. A better functioning community by promoting company awareness of issues users may be facing.


Entry Level

$980.00 / month

(Staff Leasing)

$7.00 / hour

(Small Projects)

Mid Level

$1,050.00 / month

(Staff Leasing)

$8.00 / hour

(Small Projects)

Expert Level

$1,200.00 / month

(Staff Leasing)

$9.00 / hour

(Small Projects)

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