Self Assessment


Our Outsourcing Self-Assessment tool will help you gauge key factors about your business that we have found to be important in realizing a successful long-term outsourcing strategy. It may also serve as a starting point for our consultation with you about working together to build your outsourced team.


The self-assessment is a simple exercise that covers some of the major factors to consider when making the decision to outsource and when creating an initial outsourcing plan such as:

  1. Clarifying the factors leading to the decision to outsource.
  2. Setting outsourcing goals.
  3. Assessing local staff readiness to accommodate outsourcing.
  4. Assessing current processes for outsourcing optimization.
  5. Managing processes to ensure success.
  6. Getting remote staff up to speed.
  7. Building long-term process equity.
  8. Defining management roles and the relationship with your outsourcing provider.

    Assessment Form Response Guide

    1. My decision to outsource was primarily driven by (mark all that apply):

    2. I would like my outsourced team to (mark all that apply):

    3. My local staff are:

    4. My current processes are (mark all that apply):

    5. I'm able to set expectations and gauge the performance of my staff by:

    6. With regard to training:

    7. We view our offshore staff as:

    8. I want our outsourcing partner to (mark all that apply):

    Please leave your information below and we will get back to you promptly to discuss the assessment results.

    Response Guide

    1. There are many different reasons why companies choose to outsource part of their business, and in today’s competitive marketplace it is almost a necessity in many industries. But if you can clarify the various factors that went into your decision to outsource, it can often shed new light on your goals and objectives. If your strategy does not satisfy the demands that caused you to outsource in the first place, then some adjustment may be necessary.

    2. Likewise, clarifying your goals is an important exercise to undertake before beginning an outsourcing initiative. And it is important to consider not only your outsourcing goals but also your overall goals for your business and even personal goals to ensure that there is harmony across all of your activities.

    3. Your local staff's participation in, and acceptance of, your outsourcing plan is essential for its success. If there is no complete buy-in from your team, or at least a willingness to try and make things work, then the effort will be crippled from the start. There are always growing pains when transforming entrenched processes or adding new services, and everyone needs to feel like they are on the same team striving for a common goal.

    4. While it is now very easy to communicate and collaborate with overseas teams, almost as if they are in your office, there is still a very clear benefit in systematizing and codifying your processes so they can be easily picked up and replicated by team members wherever they may be located.

    5. As part of the documentation of your process, setting expectations and establishing performance measures are extremely helpful in managing the performance of your offshore team.

    6. Your outsourcing provider should be able to assist you with setting up a training program for new employees. Being able to replicate your process is one of the keys to building equity in an offshore team.

    7. For many processes, retention is critical to long-term success and equity building. There are many employee development programs that can be instituted to promote employee satisfaction and increase their value to the team. Instilling the idea that their position is not just a job but a career in which they have room to grow is a great way to build loyalty.

    8. There are a number of ways to collaborate with an outsourcing provider, so it is good to discuss roles up front and make that part of the outsourcing plan.