Assessing your goals: The first step toward remote staffing
At Sourcefit, our goal is to design a solution to your unique needs. Rather than suggestign an off-the-peg solution, we spend time learning about the overall goals you have set for your business, as well as your specific objectives for your remote staff and how you would like to interact with them.
- What are your overall goals for your business, both near term and longer term?
- What factors have led you to consider outsourcing?
- How much experience do you have with outsourcing?
- Are you looking for leased staff or a managed solution?
- How involved do you want to be in the day-to-day management of your staff?
- What are the most important things your remote staff needs to know?
- What characteristics must they possess to match or surpass the quality of a local team?
- What are the strategic goals behind your decision to outsource some of your processes?
- Is cost-cutting your main objective?
- Are you looking to focus your remote resources on your core business?
- Do you want to develop a certain expertise not currently available to you?
- What processes do you want to have performed remotely or outsourced?
- Which tasks involved in these processes can be handled off-site?
- Do you want these off-site tasks performed in your off-hours, or during your business hours?
- How should these processes be coordinated with your own local operations?
- What other processes in your business could potentially be performed remotely?
- Do you want to directly manage your offshore resources and projects?
- Who do you want to be responsible for deliverables and coordinating day-to-day tasks?
After considering these questions, we can address the following points:
- How many people do you need?
- Do you need them on a full-time basis?
- Do you need them for a limited period of time or on a continuous basis? What skills do they need to have?
After assessing your needs, we can proceed to selecting the most suitable resourcing model for you.