As we bid adieu to the year 2022, we always welcome a new year with a new perspective… or try to at least. Clad with new year’s resolutions and goals for another set of 365 days, a positive outlook on how the same or different life is about to go. With the pandemic creating a ripple of change, diving into the new year with caution, but this time as protocols completely loosen up, countries return to normal; we unmask new opportunities.
The Merry Aftermath
Returning to work after the holidays is already a shift to squeeze back into for many Filipinos, may it be an onsite job or working from home, the merry days are over. It’s an emotion you can’t help but feel–in a joking or serious manner. Extend the long weekend, please! Some may have to go back to the city, and leave home again for work. And as we push ourselves to work mode on the first day back, a quick stroll through social media, an influencer pours out their soul on how we shouldn’t feel sad about it. “Dapat grateful kasi may work.” (You should be grateful because you have work.) Netizens have flocked into her post with the good and the bad.
Although Donnalyn Bartolome’s post comes with good intentions, it enraged many with how privileged she sounded in the now-deleted post. It’s already a struggle with the many sacrifices that the Filipino workforce face, the plight of the majority having to report to the office and survive the commute, or unreliable transportation that the country offers. This is how and why many would prefer working from home but not everyone has the means to.
According to JobStreet’s Global Talent Survey, 80% prefer hybrid or remote work, fully embracing the set-up that they have adopted since the start of the pandemic. Less travel time and work-life balance are two of its top perks. The said survey also shares a projection in 2023 on how 34% of full-time employees will adapt to this set-up as well. Now with the pandemic getting loose, this preference is not for the sake of having a safer working environment but overall security of their well-being.
Choosing Oneself
The rise of discussion on quiet quitting and work-life balance spurred within 2022, a roller coaster of topics on its defense or effectiveness. As we come into 2023 with lesser travel restrictions, arenas, and venues filled with concert dates, it’s a positive connotation into the year. With more motivation and agility to work, and inspiration to push oneself in its best–not to the limit–in order to achieve these new goals.
It would be no wonder if the majority already have their planned vacation leaves, as the office of the President declared all 9 long weekends to be consumed and enjoyed throughout the year. Work-life integration comes into play, as we desire more to overcome and hone our skills, to do better and at the same time work smart.
Easy and Attainable New Year’s Resolutions
Don’t we all look forward hoping to have a better year, as if it’s a new chapter to make a difference from the previous one? There is no pressure whatsoever but you can always challenge yourself! Here are three easy and attainable goals to reach this year only you can do for yourself:
1. Practice a better sleeping schedule. I know this can be easier said than done. Some may even have better days with just 4-5 hours of sleep but is it done in the right time? A good run on Tiktok afterwork always makes this harder. Challenge yourself into setting your phone with a set timer on sleep and wake-up time. Netflix also has a show that can help: Headspace Guide to Sleep.
2. Build a budget plan. If you’re already on the track, kudos to you! Having a budget plan at the beginning of the year can put you in a good perspective for the days to come. Make use of the Starbucks 2023 planner you filled out all the stars for, yes actually use it to make a budget plan!
3. Explore more about your skills and career. Many would be inclined to stay in their full-time job, gratifying and fulfilling enough it can already be, make time this year to know more about what you can offer as an individual and learn to hone it!
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